Dr. Michael Goldstein For Congress LET'S PUT A DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE
Together We Can:
- Take Back CT;
- Heal this Country; and
- Make America Healthy Again
Together We Can:
I became a physician to help my patients and I am running to serve YOU to:
Thank you for your support.
Dr. Michael Goldstein
I have been a Connecticut resident for Over 30 years. I have moved up to Greenwich Connecticut in 1987 to escape taxes and mismanagement of government. I have watched Connecticut become as bad if not worse than New York and many of these wrongs have been while my opponent has been in office. It is time to serve Connecticut and represent YOU.
Over the past 30 Years, Connecticut has become a bureaucratic empire mismanaged by the majority of its elected officials that continue to saddle this great state with debt while driving good tax payers and industries out of the state in search of better economic opportunities.
I am running for Congress as I am tired of seeing the Democrats of this Constitution State not abiding by the constitution and will do everything I can to prevent the state from becoming the next Detroit. I am also extremely concerned about rising anti-semitism and hate speech plaguing this country in our streets and on our college campuses.
I am all about protecting your freedoms. We are here to protect your freedoms as parents and your right to make the best decision for your children, your medical rights, and the protection of your inalienable rights.
The issues facing most Americans are not partisan. They include not being bankrupt from filling our gas tanks, heating our houses and feeding our children. The fact that there is no plan to address these pocketbook issues and improve the lives of our children is unacceptable. Our children need the best quality education possible not indoctrination. Parents have the absolute right to fight for that.
I cannot defeat the progressive democrats without your support.
The Blue State of Connecticut is well organized and well funded.
Its time to for the tides to change and it is time to put this doctor in Washington.
Your support is greatly appreciated.
Click the Donate Button Below
Healthcare costs and all Regulatory costs are on the rise and health insurance is not affordable for most Connecticut residents. Drug prices are rising while manufacturing costs of prescription drugs are on the decline. The new gun legislation increases healthcare costs.
As one of the last sole practitioners in medicine, I have watched the decline of our health care systems on the front line. Your healthcare expenses go to pharmaceuticals and administration of healthcare. It does not go to your doctor.
As a small-business owner, I have experienced the pain you have felt and the push to get rid of "Main Street."
If Democrats and non-business minded politicians continue down this course, we will be headed for a healthcare and economic crisis of epic proportions. We cannot be subjected to more taxes to subsidize decades of mismanaged policies.
Taxes cannot be our only solution to this problem.
Efficient de-regulation and a reduction of administration costs across all sectors ensure a brighter future for our healthcare system and many other business sectors.
Connecticut faces potential tolls and gas taxes on our interstates. This is not only a reality but a metaphor for ALL programs of the Democrats. While this is a local issue, it represents a false reality that increased costs equal solutions.
If the Democrats continue to have their way, new programs will be added to the federal budget that will force taxes to go up.
Socialist policies of the progressive Democrats will destroy the economic structure of our economy and turn us into a third world country if we have not already become one.
Under the right leadership at the Federal level, our problems can be solved.
Continuing down the same road with increased potholes and speed bumps from bureaucratic policies will not work.
It is time for new leadership and new ideas in Connecticut that start at the federal level and directly impact Connecticut without increased taxation.
It is time for real progress, not the regressive policies of progressive Democrats that have stalled Connecticut.
My Background
I have been a Board Certified Physician for over 40 years.
I have served as the President for the New York County Medical Society for two terms.
I have served as the President of the SUNY Downstate Alumni Association.
I serve on the Alumni Board for Pace University Law School
Later in life, I decided to become a lawyer and went to law school at Pace University at night. I am not afraid to work hard to get where I want to go and I would do the same for Connecticut residents if elected to Congress.
My Platform
Under Joe Biden and Jim Himes Crime Pays
Let's Stop That
Anti-Semitism and Hate Crimes Have No Place In America
Why School Choice and Vouchers Are Needed For Our Children